From the Principal’s Desk
“Success come to those who work hard and stays with those who don’t rest on the laurels of the past.”

It gives me immense pleasure to welcome you to the website of The Paradise International Senior Secondary School, Ghagga, Distt-Patiala. Being the founder Principal of the school, I had witnessed every phase in the school’s growth and nourished each and every child with the water of affection, knowledge and moral values. Every child is unique and distinct. No one can replace the role that one fulfils at any given place and at any point of time. “Every little fledgling hatched from an egg is unique to its parent”. So is each being unique in itself, for Almighty is the parent of all.

At, The Paradise International Senior Secondary School, the educational community strives for excellence by preparing students from learning beyond their school years and assisting them to become life long learners, as well as helping them to be self directed, realistic and responsible decision makers while solving problems that they will encounter in the rapidly changing world. Each day is a milestone that marks our growth, unfolds our imagination and gives life to our thoughts. As I walk down the hallways of the school everyday, I can hear the chatter of eager minds and shouts of their excitement. An array of activities fill up the Paradisian Calender. It unleashes a wide spectrum of creative skills ranging from reading, writing, speaking, extra curricular skills, sports and a long list to add on. Students are tought to translate their feelings. It gives heartfelt contentment to see the little saplings grow and bloom into beautiful flowers and spreading fragrance far and wide.

The motto of the school remains “Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow”.

With love and best wishes for all the children.

Dr. Parminder Kaur

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